
Our darkest moments help us find the light within ourselves.

Hanna Shebar

It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.

Arthur Schopenhauer

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.

John Muir

I can't tell you what your purpose is, that's got to come from you.

Adrian Grenier

If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts.

Alan Cohen

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Andre Gide

People almost always do great things without knowing how to do them, and are quite surprised to have done them.

Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle

Perhaps love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Perhaps the feelings that we experience when we are in love represent a normal state. Being in love shows a person who he should be.

Anton Chekhov

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.

Bernice Johnson Reagon

Failure is the greatest opportunity I have to know who I really am.

John Killinger

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

Mark Twain

If man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.

Martin Luther King

Time discovers truth.


When you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.

Paulo Coelho

People learn, early in their lives, what is their reason for being. Maybe that’s why they give up on it so early, too.

Paulo Coelho

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.

William Shakespeare

If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.

Isaac Newton