Quote of the Day
Happiness consists in frequent repetition of pleasure.
Attributed to:
Arthur Schopenhauer
It is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others.
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.
Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things.
Even if we can't love our enemies, lest at least love ourselves. Let's love ourselves so much that we won't permit our enemies to control our happiness, our health, and our looks.
No matter what happens to you, your mind works by reverting to your predetermined level of happiness once you've adapted to the new event.
No matter what happens to you, your mind works by reverting to your predetermined level of happiness once you've adapted to the new event.
Even if we can't love our enemies, lest at least love ourselves. Let's love ourselves so much that we won't permit our enemies to control our happiness, our health, and our looks.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance. The wise grows it under his feet.
The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
The happiest people seem to be those who have no particular cause for being happy except that they are so.