
In anger we should refrain both from speech and action.


There is a transcendent power in example. We reform others unconsciously when we walk uprightly.

Anne Swetchine

Your behaviors are usually a reflection of your identity. What you do is an indication of the type of person you believe that you are either consciously or nonconsciously.

James Clear

Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame.

Benjamin Franklin

We must interpret a bad temper as a sign of inferiority.

Alfred Adler

Timid dogs bark worse than they bite.

Latin Proverbs

Better silence than ill speech.

Swedish proverbs

Anger begins with folly, and ends with repentance.


The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts.

John Locke

It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.

Warren Buffett

You're more likely to act yourself into feeling than feel yourself into action.

Jerome Bruner

We can change our whole life and the attitude of people around us simply by changing ourselves.

Rudolf Dreikurs

The dog in the kennel barks at his fleas; the dog that hunts does not feel them.

Chinese proverbs

The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition.

Latin Proverbs

Every dog is a lion at home.

Italian proverbs

The test of your worldview is not how you act in the good times, the test of your worldview is how you act at the funeral.

Rick Warren

The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.

Marcus Aurelius

To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness.


Old habits have deep roots.

Norwegian proverbs

The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe