Zig Ziglar

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.

Gratitude Health Abundance

You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.

Expectations Goals Motivational

Hope is the power that gives us the power to step out and try.

Courage Inspiration Motivational

Outstanding people have one thing in common: an absolute sense of mission.

Leadership Motivational Purpose

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.

Attitude Improvement Mindfulness

Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.

Communication Generosity Gratitude

If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost.

Improvement Motivational Perseverance

Life is an echo. What you send out-you get back. What you give - you get.

Actions Karma Life

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily.

Habits Motivational

Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice.

Improvement Motivational Perseverance

You can build a successful career, regardless of your field of endeavor, by the dozens of little things you do on and off the job.

Career Personal Development Profession

You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.

Empathy Leadership Motivational

Try to look at your weakness and convert it into your strength. That's success.

Growth Improvement Success

Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the 'gotta have it' scale.

Life Money

You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.

Confidence Greatness Motivational

You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations.

Attitude Life

Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have.

Success Utilization

Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to find out for themselves.

Curiosity Desire Experience

Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage.

Marriage Time

Time can be an ally or an enemy. What it becomes depends entirely upon you, your goals, and your determination to use every available minute.

Motivational Personal Development Time